Thursday, November 18, 2004

Interesting chat transcript where I'm articulate but ignoring the real world

Person says:
Did you see my gay friend *** on Tuesday?
Edward Insano says:
yeah but i was in a hurry
Edward Insano says:
so i told him to frig off
Person says:
did he run after your bum?
Edward Insano says:
Person, i'm sorry but you know that guy is a cock smoker who longs to be free
Person says:
he's not
Person says:
he's a man whore
Edward Insano says:
no, he is
Person says:
He made out with 2 different chicks at a party on Friday night
Edward Insano says:
so what?
Edward Insano says:
you think if a guy fucks 50 girls it makes him straight? wake up man
Person says:
He would come out if he was
Edward Insano says:
doubt it, with all the jokeyness
Person says:
Did you do anything exciting last night?
Edward Insano says:
no. i'm having a shitty week.
Person says:
Edward Insano says:
i need you to come over here and entertain me
Person says:
what's wrong?
Edward Insano says:
nothings wrong
Person says:
then why is your week so shitty?
Edward Insano says:
because everything is boring and annoying
Person says:
2 people are making out in the hallway
Edward Insano says:
are they both girls?
Person says:
Person says:
a hot girl and a scrawny fuck
Edward Insano says:
Person says:
I had a dream the other night that we went to Cape Breton together
Edward Insano says:
then we both beat up *** until he admitted he likes man-ass
Person says:
Person says:
we had a fun drive though
Person says:
we drove the whole way in our underwear
Edward Insano says:
you have great dreams
Edward Insano says:
i think too much. yet i'm not very quick. what's that all about. i am paranoid.
Person says:
What are you paranoid about?
Edward Insano says:
thought control.
Person says:
Edward Insano says:
my core problem is that i spend ridiculous amounts of time analyzing the things i think about, as i think of them. it's very insane. for the last couple of years i have been trying to organize and properly package everything i perceive in my known reality, so there can be little room for unimportant contemplation for things that aren't relevant to me or are meaningless
Edward Insano says:
i am trying to understand everything, but my own self doubt and self consciousness is getting in the way, that's why i think i may be afraid of continuing to do daring creative stuff.
Edward Insano says:
and also, in my head, i ramble on in long passages like the one above when i REALLY know that all i need to do is relax and keep making efforts and keep moving forward and stop being a lazy turd
Edward Insano says:
sorry, i'm done.
Person says:
Person says:
You think a lot too so you must be pretty busy upstairs
Person says:
I have no idea what to say to you
Edward Insano says:
it's all very silly, but do you see how this kind of silliness is impractical and stops me from doing things
Person says:
What kind of things do you want to do but don't because of this?
Edward Insano says:
just 'cause someone has a blistering unending loop of contemplation it doesn't make them any smarter
Edward Insano says:
well, talk to people, interact, be sincere, write things, film things, organize things.... this could also be a distraction to the simple fact that i have great difficulty being motivated and that i'm lazy
Person says:
I don't think you're lazy
Edward Insano says:
but you need ambition to make yourself do things right? frg rhg trhtyhu tj
Edward Insano says:
think maybe i'll do a little jig to take my mind off my mind
Person says:
If you don't like things, ie your job, you're not going to have any ambition to do it
Person says:
I procrastinate when it is something I hate
Person says:
I work around it so that I don't have to do it until it absolutely has to be done
Edward Insano says:
that's true... but what about writing? it is the thing i am best at, i have great fun doing it and let's be honest it's fun to impress people so they think you're clever and smart and hey i'm all for that...
Edward Insano says:
i need a punch in the nuts
Person says:
no you don't
Person says:
Do you like your job more this year than previous years?
Edward Insano says:
yes, but i would replace the word like with "more tolerableā€
Person says:
What is your dream job?
Edward Insano says:
i dunno, at first i would say screen writer, or comedy writer or something, then actor, then video game tester, then graphic artist/animator, then guy who goes down on lonely super models
Edward Insano says:
what is your dream job?
Person says:
At least you know what you want to do
Person says:
I have no clue
Person says:
I have no experience in anything
Person says:
If I lose this job, I pretty much have to go to school and do something
Edward Insano says:
i haven't even fucking GRADUATED.


Blogger boostventilator said...

I can't administer a nut kick, but did you know that Mr.T Ate My Balls!

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!
Michael Charles! Michael Charles!

11:08 PM  

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